7:30 a.m., the day after the rains

I walk out on Mother’s body

and across the valley I hear

the din of the logging machines

toppling trees to the earth.

The morning is otherwise hushed

and even though it is August,

I can see the cloud of my breath.

I skirt the lush shadows of the forest,

going by the road.

Some way ahead,

a fox crosses

and pauses to eye me a moment

before descending into the wood.

I follow the winding, shaded path

still hearing the hum and crash,

miles away,

of the loggers going about their business.

I suspect perhaps

no one asked Mother’s permission

told her how her hair

would be pulled out by its roots

or how her skin would be torn

and scarred

by hands that did not even touch her.

I come by and by to the creek

where forest gives way to marsh

as the water spreads out her skirts.

I stand on the bridge,

watching the slow-moving amber waters slide beneath.

Just as I often do,

I gaze south and west first.

Then I turn to the sun,

which has only just cast its face

over the treetops.

At the horizon I mark the graceful curve

of the still-green hills.

A single white pine

pokes its majestic crown high,

like a sentinel.

My gaze scans back down the creek,

and that is when the miracle besets me.

The sunlight, just topping the trees

reveals an infinitude

of spider webs,

their spiral threads

sparkling with dew.

Phantoms, translucent

some torn

some perfect and complete

hung by their weavers

in every bush

on every fledgling branch,

spiralling threads of diamonds innumerable.

I glance down and their reflections

shimmer and shift

like moons of ragged lace

rippled by the water.

Something stirs further on,

and a heron floats like a ghost

into the blue.

At first I cannot tell if her grey silhouette

is drifting towards or away from me.

She recedes,

and disappears.

I am left again

with the silence of the webs.

One catches the breeze

and billows like a sail.

I am holding my breath

for beauty,

not even wanting to move,

knowing I will never be shown this vision

in exactly the same way again.

Moment by moment

the sun rises higher

and soon these gossamers

will vanish—

these tenuous, elegant threads

with jewels glistening

showing self to self

again and again,

weaving and reweaving

the ever-present connection

that we take such elaborate pains

to forget.


she holds my hand


The Beach