a whole lotta hats
in which Kristi is unlikely to write about just one thing in any one particular way
the amnesiac in the forest
I could not allow
the gentle and gracious reception
of my every footstep
to be enough.
Coming Home to the Divine Beloved: Musings on Rachel McGarry’s New Single ‘As You Do’
If we could release our narrative of ourselves as inadequate, separate, lonely beings in constant competition with one another, and recognize that we are strands of a wondrous and sacred web of existence, perhaps we could make space to love ourselves, one another, and the Earth a little more.
7:30 a.m., the day after the rains
I am holding my breath
for beauty,
not even wanting to move,
knowing I will never be shown this vision
in exactly the same way again.
Prayer for Awakening
This prayer came from a meditation this morning. Sometimes, when we feel as though there is nothing we can do, we can offer our prayers. We can offer our compassion. We can create a vibration that ripples outwards.
The Veil is Way Thinner than We Think
Shamanism isn’t about transcendence. It is about bringing us back into relationship with the Sacred within us and all around us. Right here, right now.
squirrelling? you could do worse.
What are your ‘lean seasons,’ and how do you get yourself into places where you are run down energetically?
Why I Chop Wood and Carry Water
In truth, homely homesteading keeps me quite busy. Too busy to pitch gravel at our Prime Minister, for instance.
Prayer to the Earth Mother, for all her children, lost and found
O Mother – it is not the World that needs to change.
It is I.
Of Anger and Spatulas
I have my virtues. But being mechanically inclined is not one of them. And neither is keeping my temper when I feel like I am about to encounter a major FAIL. Enter my little friend Anger.
A New Dawn – Some Humbling Acknowledgements
This is what I offer. All of it. And it’s all connected.
4 tips for riding the COVID Express in Style
Getting COVID isn’t a dirty secret. COVID is a virus—it doesn’t care what nice warm host it snuggles up with.
tiny & off-grid - with minimal hurties
Truly, even I thought we would have killed each other by now. I mean, you’d figure at least one of the four of us would have cracked.