breathing into peace
Sitting and breathing together in meditation with a common intention is a powerful, healing, and transformative practice.
If you live in or visit the Madawaska Valley area, join us for meditation followed by chant.
For our first half-hour together, we'll practise meditation. For our second hour, we’ll join voices in kirtan - that beautiful call out to the sacred heart in each of us, vocalizing with simple mantras and continuing to build on the peace and compassion of our meditation practice.
To register, get on the reminder list, and find out more, click below to contact Kristi.
Check here for what’s up each meetup. We’ll offer guided meditations, community service such as metta and tonglen, and a variety of meditation practices throughout the year.
If you are new to meditation practice, Kristi will give a brief introduction. And you always have the option to simply show up and have a silent sit in the energy.
If you’ve never chanted or you don’t consider yourself a singer, no worries! All voices are welcome - we’re joining in heart connection.
To find out more and get on the monthly reminder list, click below.
Can’t wait to be together!
Sunday, March 23
11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Join us at a cozy cabin in the woods near Killaloe.
Spaces are limited - pre-registration required.
Location details will be shared upon registration.
Cost: by donation
Silver Bough Full Community Meditation and Kirtan Circle
Welcome, women of the Madawaska Valley, to a sacred space for women to be together in sisterhood.
We’ll practise meditation and join voices in live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written.
Each meetup we’ll offer a different meditation practice and learn new chants together, discovering how mantra, music, and intention cultivate healing and inner peace.
To register, get on the reminder list, and find out more, click below to contact Kristi.
Check here for what’s up each meetup. We’ll offer guided meditations, community service such as metta and tonglen, and a variety of meditation practices throughout the year.
If you are new to meditation practice, Kristi will give a brief introduction. And you always have the option to simply show up and have a silent sit in the energy.
If you’ve never chanted or think you can’t sing, this is your invitation to cast aside judgement and let your voice come out and play in the company of other women.
Please let Kristi know a couple of hours in advance if you plan to come, so she can set out a chair for you.
To find out more and get on the monthly reminder list, click below.
Can’t wait to be together!
Check back here for dates and times of future gatherings.
If you’re missing Women’s Circle, please reach out and let Kristi know.