upcoming events

Lila Yoga VIA ZOOM
This gentle flow class begins with meditation or pranayama and a luxuriant warmup, moves through yoga flows and therapeutics that develop alignment, flexibility, balance, and strength, and ends with a soft live music savasana. Registration is required - drop-ins, please give reasonable notice.

Community Meditation and Kirtan
We offer various meditation practices, including metta, tonglen, guided meditations, and japa mala. Following our meditation, we’ll build on the bliss energy with a live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Bring your voice, drum, rattle, or other musical instrument and join us in making some joyous music.

Gentle Yoga and Meditation IN PERSON
In partnership with the CRC Senior Active Living Centre – Join us for a program designed to offer seniors mindful movement and stress reduction, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. We’ll explore breathing exercises, easy-going chair yoga postures and flows, and meditation techniques that you can practice at home to welcome calmness and resilience into your daily life. No experience necessary—just an openness to relax and unwind in a supportive, welcoming environment.
CALL 613-757-3108 TO REGISTER.

Shamanic Journey Practice IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle. PRE-REGISTRATION is required.

Community Meditation and Kirtan
We offer various meditation practices, including metta, tonglen, guided meditations, and japa mala. Following our meditation, we’ll build on the bliss energy with a live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Bring your voice, drum, rattle, or other musical instrument and join us in making some joyous music.

Shamanic Journey Practice IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle VIA ZOOM
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle from your own home via Zoom in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. You might be amazed how the power of group intention holds so beautifully online.

Women's Circle Meditation & Kirtan
Join us for this kirtan gathering in a beautiful cabin home near Killaloe. Spaces are limited – pre-registration required! A sacred space for women to come together in sisterhood to practise meditation and join voices in live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Each month we offer a different meditation practice and learn new chants together, discovering how we can benefit from mantra, music, and intention to cultivate healing and inner peace.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle VIA ZOOM
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle from your own home via Zoom in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. You might be amazed how the power of group intention holds so beautifully online.

Lila Yoga VIA ZOOM
This gentle flow class begins with meditation or pranayama and a luxuriant warmup, moves through yoga flows and therapeutics that develop alignment, flexibility, balance, and strength, and ends with a soft live music savasana. Registration is required - drop-ins, please give reasonable notice.

Shamanic Journey Practice IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Community Mediation and Kirtan
We offer various meditation practices, including metta, tonglen, guided meditations, and japa mala. Following our meditation, we’ll build on the bliss energy with a live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Bring your voice, drum, rattle, or other musical instrument and join us in making some joyous music.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Shamanic Journey Practice VIA ZOOM
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle from your own home via Zoom in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. You’ll be amazed how the power of group intention holds so beautifully online.

Women's Circle Meditation and Kirtan IN PERSON
A sacred space for women to come together in sisterhood to practise meditation and join voices in live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Each month we’ll offer a different meditation practice and learn new chants together, discovering how we can benefit from mantra, music, and intention to cultivate healing and inner peace.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Shamanic Journeywork for Beginners IN PERSON
Join Kristi in person for an introduction to shamanic journeywork with drum and rattle. This is a rare one-day opportunity to experience the magic of journeying in circle with others accompanied by the voice of the drum. We’ll explore a brief history of shamanic practices and receive a basic grounding in the journey method. This coursework forms a pre-requisite for a number of other Silver Bough courses.

Community Mediation and Kirtan
We offer various meditation practices, including metta, tonglen, guided meditations, and japa mala. Following our meditation, we’ll build on the bliss energy with a live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Bring your voice, drum, rattle, or other musical instrument and join us in making some joyous music.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Shamanic Journey Practice VIA ZOOM
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle from your own home via Zoom in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. You’ll be amazed how the power of group intention holds so beautifully online.

Lila Yoga VIA ZOOM
This gentle flow class begins with meditation or pranayama and a luxuriant warmup, moves through yoga flows and therapeutics that develop alignment, flexibility, balance, and strength, and ends with a soft live music savasana. All before lunch, and you don’t even need to leave your living room.

Kirtan in Combermere
Join us for an evening chant at a very funky studio on Lake Kamaniskeg, Combermere. In kirtan, we call out from the heart to the Sacred within and all around us. Kristi’s chants interweave Sanskrit mantra, original melodies, and stories from the Hindu tradition. Kirtan is a powerful practice for peace that invites us to slow our racing minds, unite our voices, and come into the Heart Space together.

Kirtan at Bhakti Bliss Yoga & Music Festival
Join Kristi and a vibrant bhakti community in celebrating kirtan at this lovely festival set in the deep green woods of Eastern Ontario. Bhakti Bliss is a weekend of kirtan, ecstatic dance, workshops, and vendors where we come together to shine out the sacred light that dwells in our hearts and all around us. Get your Bhakti Bliss tickets here: Get your tickets at https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bhaktibliss/1160886 , and use the discount code KRISTI10 to save 10%!

Hanuman: The Beating Heart of Bhakti
In story, sacred chant, and gentle movement, meet Hanuman, the beating heart of bhakti. The monkey god is the embodiment of power (shakti), and devotion (bhakti), and in so many ways he reflects the human journey of forgetting and re-membering that leads us home to the Light of our souls. Get your Bhakti Bliss tickets here: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/bhaktibliss/1160886 , and use the discount code KRISTI10 to save 10%!

Women's Circle Meditation and Kirtan IN PERSON
A sacred space for women to come together in sisterhood to practise meditation and join voices in live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Each month we’ll offer a different meditation practice and learn new chants together, discovering how we can benefit from mantra, music, and intention to cultivate healing and inner peace.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Kirtan at The Garden Retreat
Join us for kirtan on a beautiful farm in Combermere as part of Surefoot Yoga’s Garden Retreat, or contact Kristi if you’d like to come for evening kirtan only. Bring a blanket or folding chair to sit on, and we’ll chant together in the peace of the great outdoors.

Women's Circle Meditation and Kirtan
A sacred space for women to come together in sisterhood to practise meditation and join voices in live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Each month we’ll offer a different meditation practice and learn new chants together, discovering how we can benefit from mantra, music, and intention to cultivate healing and inner peace.

Summer Solstice Journey Circle COMBINED IN PERSON AND ONLINE
Celebrate the Summer Solstice with a shamanic journey event combining in-person and online circles in a single earth wisdom gathering. In-person spaces are limited for this rare hybrid circle, and pre-registration is required.

Lila Yoga VIA ZOOM
This gentle flow class begins with meditation or pranayama and a luxuriant warmup, moves through yoga flows and therapeutics that develop alignment, flexibility, balance, and strength, and ends with a soft live music savasana. All before lunch, and you don’t even need to leave your living room.

Shamanic Journey Practice Circle IN PERSON
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. This is a heart and soul-expanding experience where we learn from the wisdom that flows around the circle.

Community Mediation and Kirtan
We offer various meditation practices, including metta, tonglen, guided meditations, and japa mala. Following our meditation, we’ll build on the bliss energy with a live music kirtan, chanting traditional mantras and original songs set to melodies Kristi has written. Bring your voice, drum, rattle, or other musical instrument and join us in making some joyous music.

Shamanic Journey Practice VIA ZOOM
Learn and practice the shamanic journey method with drum and rattle from your own home via Zoom in a welcoming, respectful circle supported by experienced journeyers. You’ll be amazed how the power of group intention holds so beautifully online.