Contact Kristi


Kristi will make every effort to respond to your contact promptly.

Please note that contacts containing inappropriate content will not receive a response. Inappropriate content includes aggressive, threatening, intolerant, or harmful communications of any kind. Content that is racist, sexist, genderist, ageist, or targets any religious, spiritual, political, or socioeconomic group is unacceptable. This web site and its contact page are not forums for religious debate, conversion, or for passing judgement on anyone. We respect that you have your personal beliefs, faith, and practice. Bless you, and peace be with you.

May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live life with ease.

one breath at a time

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I am.

You already have everything you need to start your journey.

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I act.

Warm your dreams in the cauldron of your heart, and they will leap forth as living beings.

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I know.

You are never alone—you are connected with all ensouled beings everywhere.