Seeking your path?

When you are standing at a crossroads, the first step in your journey may be as simple as asking a question.

Kristi has been supporting others to explore their spiritual paths for over 18 years. She is an experienced shamanic practitioner and teacher with a love of the Celtic realms. It is her great joy to remind you of the power of Mama Earth—and the power in you.

walking in power

one-on-one shamanic sessions

What are you working on right now? Are you struggling, suffering, pondering, curious? Visioning next steps on your life path? Sit down with Kristi and formulate a question she can take into a journey on your behalf. She’ll come back with any insights or gifts offered by Spirit, and tell you the healing story.

In-person sessions are available if you live in or visit the Madawaska Valley, Ottawa Valley, or Renfrew County. Kristi also offers distance work by phone, email, or Zoom.

Session Options

All sessions include your initial discussion, Kristi’s journey for you, and her telling of the journey story.

30-minute session (does not include session notes) $50

45-minute session (does not include session notes) $70

60-minute session - includes a written account of your journey to keep for your records $90

If you require a longer session, we can discuss costing and settle on what feels right.

Silver Bough journey practice circle (online)

Whether you are new to shamanic journeywork or an old hand, this monthly online gathering offers the opportunity to practice in community. Journey together and share your wisdom in a cauldron of deep listening.

practice circle dates 2025

Sunday, January 5 Sunday, September 14

Sunday, February 2 Sunday, October 5

Sunday, March 2 Sunday, November 2

Sunday, April 6 Sunday, December 7

Silver Bough journey practice circle Madawaska Valley (IN PERSON)

Whether you are new to shamanic journeywork or an old hand, this monthly in-person gathering offers the opportunity to practice in community. Nothing is quite so magical as feeling the heartbeat of the drum in circle, face-to-face. Journey together and share your wisdom in a cauldron of deep listening.



TIME: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.

LOCATION: near Barry’s Bay, ON - address details available upon registration

COST: $20

beginner-intermediate courses in shamanic journeywork


Learn how to journey.

This course introduces the basics of shamanic journeywork as a method of spiritual inquiry, contemplation, and healing.

Supported by the rhythm of drum and rattle, we’ll journey to meet helping spirits in animal form, human form, and spirits of nature, deepening our relationship with an Earth that is aware of us.

Course tuition $150 in a group setting


$250 as an individual study - query Kristi regarding individual study details

Next IN-PERSON Group Training Date and Time:

Sunday, October 6

11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

12 North Street, Killaloe, ON


Deepen your practice.

Feeling depleted? Power animal retrieval is a healing response to power loss. Learn more about the foundational role of the power animal in shamanic healing work, and how to retrieve a power animal for another person.

The ethics and permissions involved in supporting another person in this work will be explored.

Pre-requisites: experience of the basic shamanic journey method with drum and rattle, and a growing relationship with your power animal.

Course tuition $150 or early bird $125 before January 31

Training Date and Time:


Continue to seek healing.

Soul retrieval calls back parts of our soul that have left us due to a trauma or shock. Learn more about the causes and signs of soul loss, and how to support another person using the shamanic method of soul retrieval.

The ethics involved in supporting another person in this work, as well as follow-up care will be explored.

Pre-requisites: experience of the basic shamanic journey method with drum and rattle, and a growing relationship with your power animal.

Training Date and Time:


Do you have a group of 4 or more? Book a private course on a day that suits you.

Coursework is also available as individual study. Contact Kristi to discuss your interests and pricing.


advanced courses in shamanic journeywork


Transform your relationship with Fear.

This advanced shamanic journeywork course is open to students who are grounded in the shamanic journey method and have established strong relationships of trust with their compassionate helping spirits.

Using the shamanic journey method as a basis for inquiry, we will approach Fear in self-empowerment and compassion, with the goal of reducing dread in this relationship. We will seek to foster an alliance with Fear that allows us to take the lead in caring for this being as it shows up in our life and practice.

Course Tuition $375 or $325 early bird before established date.


Contact Kristi to discuss your past studies and experience before registering.


Come Home to the Sacred Hearth.

My journey began with a gift… and a challenge. It set me on a quest to discover The Sacred Storehouse Within, a vast realm that connects us with our deepest selves, all ensouled beings, and the tending of an Earth that is aware of our every step.   

Are you ready to recall what it means to honour who you are? Will you undertake the tending of the elemental, sacred trust you carry within? Join me on this journey, guided by the Tuathe de Danaan – the Faery Folk.

This is mystical work, but it is practical work, too, of change, transmutation, and homecoming.

In poetry, meditation, and shamanic journey, let us place our feet upon the living Earth, and return to exchange wisdom at the hearth of our true selves.

The work will take place over 12-15 hours via Zoom.

Training Dates

2024 dates TBD.

Training Cost: $500, or $425 early bird if paid in total by October 6

If you’ve already taken the course and wish to deepen your practice by auditing, talk to Kristi about an auditor’s tuition.

A non-refundable deposit of $50 will hold one's place in the circle.

Contact Kristi to discuss your past studies and experience before registering.

Join the Earth-Tending Circle.

In The Sacred Storehouse, Part I, we journeyed home to heart and hearth. Now we’re being summoned by Spirit and the sacred light within to join our energies in tending Mother Earth.

Will you join us?

Earth Tending Module I brings us together to share our understanding of what “tending” means to each of us, and how we are showing up to enter into this work.

Guided by the Trees and the Faeries, and steeping ourselves in shamanic journey, meditation, song, poetry, and earth energy, we’ll take the first steps on a journey to learn earth tending as a spiritual and energetic service to the Great Mother who sustains us all.

This work of service and compassion is needed now more than ever. Module I will begin to prepare us and will be followed by a series of modules in 2023 that invite us to continue to grow in our skills, with the vision of creating a regular service group of earth tending practitioners.

Each module will be no longer than a day or half-day, and will have its own tuition. The goal is to keep learnings and costs digestible in these times.

As we study and discover together, we’ll explore methods from the Celtic tradition as well as other shamanic, spiritual, and practical approaches, and the coursework will continue to be shaped by the wisdom, inspiration, and needs of the circle.

We will go about our practice with ease and well-being. We will hold space and support each other in community, as we return again and again to that place of equilibrium, our witness consciousness.

2024 Training Dates TBA


custom rituals and celebrations

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ritual weaving

What are you celebrating, remembering, beginning, or longing to invite into your life? Sit down with Kristi and co-create a ritual that honours and empowers your intentions.

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welcomings and blessings

Is a sweet soul coming your way? Do you need inspiration crafting words or well-wishes to usher them in? Or perhaps you are seeking a blessing from Spirit to support them as they walk their life path. Ask Kristi how she can support.

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moving at the pace of nature

Mark the seasons of your life by calling on the directions and powers of the natural world. Invite Kristi to walk your field, forest, yard, or garden with you, and listen deeply together.

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home clearing

Reset the energies and re-establish your personal power in the place where you live. Call Kristi to tell her the story of your home, or book a visit (virtual visits only during these days of COVID).

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let the land unlock your voice

Discover the songs and poetry of the land you walk, and give them voice. Experience the freedom of toning, chanting, and singing up the Spirit of the Place. Kristi will bring her drum, guitar, and shruti!


Kristi has had the privilege of being the guest on some wonderful podcasts. Check out these deep and delicious discussions:

May 28, 2024 - DevaTree Love Who You Are Podcast with Candice Lapointe

In this episode, What are You Attached To? we explore issues of identity - who do we think we are, really? - and how shamanic journeywork can provide us with answers and healing around big life questions.

August 8, 2022 - Empower, Uplift, and Transform Podcast with Life Coach and Restorative Yoga Educator Misty Lucas

In this episode, titled Interconnectedness and Tapping into your Extraordinary Potential, we discuss how the ego-mind both protects us and also inhibits us in remembering the sacred potential we carry within.

When we feel as though we are victims, how can we begin to walk a healing path that brings us into a place of empowerment? How can we possibly return to a soft and open heartspace? The first step, after recognizing that we are suffering, is remembering that we are not alone.

February 26, 2022 - Phoenix Rising Podcast with Lisa Hillyer

Lisa and Kristi explore the living tapestry of Celtic Shamanism, and dig deep on the topics of soul loss, the dance of shamanism and yoga, and the goddess energy of Kali Ma.

January 6, 2022 - Self Love & Shadow Podcast with host Jackie Sharpe:

Jackie and Kristi delve into the topic of dancing with our shadows and finding the joy along the way.

April 22, 2022 - Raven and Crow Medicine - DevaTree Blog

Kristi and DevaTree Yoga and Wellness Co-Founder Tamike Schilbe take flight in an exploration of Raven and Crow energies, symbolism, and the joy that comes from working with these winged masters of transmutation.

podcasts and video interviews

Looking for additional wellness resources in the Ottawa area?

Check out:


This growing resource community hub is a wonderful place to find a wide variety of wellness services in and close to Ottawa. You can find Kristi’s listing here.

Touch the web with your wand.

You are the Weaver and the Weaving.

Touch with yoga, touch with deep listening,

touch with compassion.

Where you touch, fiery pulses travel round the strands

that connect all things.

Nothing remains forever, but these good things move and inspire,

circle and protect.

From the good practices

come Love,


and Peace.

- Earth Dragon