On this page you’ll find more detailed information about this training, including Course Hours, Frequently Asked Questions, payment options and policies, training cancellation policy, and the Application Form and Agreement. Further details will be posted as we get closer to the course start date.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for below, simply pop Kristi a message through the Contact page of the Silver Bough website (you’ll find the link above).
Course Hours
Hours for the Singing Earth course will be posted once new dates are determined.
A detailed schedule will be provided to registered students before the course start date.
Singing Earth Frequently Asked Questions
Q. I like the idea of bringing Nature into my yoga practice, but I’m not sure about the shamanic stuff. Should I still take the course?
A. Only you can make that decision. Consider contacting Kristi to schedule a frank phone or Zoom discussion to see if Singing Earth is the right fit for you. Shamanic journeywork using drum and rattle is one of the main methodologies underpinning the coursework. Shamanism is a spiritual practice that is available to everyone, whether they identify with a particular religious or faith group or not.
Q. I’m a physical yogi who enjoys a vigorous asana practice. Is this all just chat and sitting around with drums and walking in the woods?
A. It’s wonderful that you have a powerful asana practice! Nature vibrates with life. You can bring that into the teaching component of the course and keep us moving. You might gravitate toward the Elements teachings and show us all how to FIRE UP our cores. You may also find that inviting Earth-based wisdom into your awareness inspires and broadens what you offer your students by sparking your creativity.
Q. I’ve had experiences in Nature where I feel like I’ve received messages, but I haven’t been able to “journey” with a drum or rattle. Will I miss out on course content because of this?
A. Not necessarily. There are many ways to receive Nature’s wisdom, and the shamanic journey with drum or rattle is just one of them. It is important to remember that this kind of shamanic journeywork is a literally a practice. You may find that your skill using this method improves and you get more clarity as you continue to do it. Your practice may benefit immensely from being part of a circle of others who are joining in common and compassionate intention. You may also find that your way of experiencing Nature is supported and deepened by joining the circle. There’s no need or expectation that you perceive things a certain way. Consider contacting Kristi to have a chat about this.
Q. I live in the city. It’s hard to get to a forest. How can I experience time in Nature as part of the course?
A. Even if you have a yard or a park nearby, you can experience the power of Nature.
Q. I took the Whispered Wisdom course in the past. Is there anything new in Singing Earth, or is it all the same material?
A. If you’re a Whispered Wisdom alum, you’ll be familiar with most of the material in Singing Earth. You may choose to see Singing Earth as a homecoming and a deepening. As a person who practises shamanic journeywork, you also know that when we re-journey on the same intention, we may come away with different learnings depending on where we’re at and what we need at the time. Every circle is a fresh circle, and the discoveries and wisdom will come from the people who make up that group. You may also discover things that you missed the first time around or bring new perspectives to them.
Q. How much does the Singing Earth Training cost?
A. $700 CDN. A non-refundable deposit of $175 CDN is required to process your registration.
Q. I’d like to reserve a spot in the course, but what happens if I apply months ahead of time and then I change my mind or something comes up? Can I get a refund?
A. The best and easiest approach is to wait to register for the course until you are sure you can commit to attending. Have a look at the Course Hours above to get a sense of the schedule.
A non-refundable deposit of $175 CDN is required to process your registration. That means if you change your mind, Silver Bough will not refund the deposit. However, you have the option to transfer those dollars to another Silver Bough course, class, workshop, service, or recurring event offering.
If you cancel your registration 15 days or more before the start of the training, the balance of your paid training cost is refundable, less the non-refundable $175 deposit. If you cancel less than 15 days before the training start date, all tuition paid up to the date of cancellation is non-refundable, but it is possible to transfer those dollars to another course, class, workshop, service, or recurring event offering.
If cancellation is due to urgent medical or compassionate circumstances (i.e. death of immediate family member, natural disaster or life threatening illness), consideration for a credit next time the course is offered will be given or you may consider transferring your tuition to another course, class, workshop, service, or recurring event option.
Q. What if I decide to transfer my tuition to another option / series of options and then change my mind?
A. You may transfer your tuition to another option ONE TIME ONLY. It is worth giving careful consideration to how you would like to re-distribute it, as once it has been switched, it is fixed, and it remains non-refundable.
Q. If I miss a course session due to illness or a significant life event, how can I make up the material? Will I still receive my completion certificate?
A. You are expected to attend all course sessions to receive your completion certificate. If you must miss a session of the course for a compelling reason, homework will be assigned to allow you to complete the missed material. A homework fee will apply, as the preparation of homework takes considerable time and effort. Once you have submitted all outstanding homework assignment(s) and paid your homework preparation fee(s), you will receive your Singing Earth completion certificate.
Q. How much is the homework fee per missed session?
A. The homework fee per missed session is $50. If you miss three sessions in a day, for example, your total homework fee for that day’s material would be $150.
Payment Options
Pay in Full
If you choose to pay in full, the balance of your tuition is due four weeks prior to the start of the training.
Auditor fees must be paid in full at the time of initial registration.
Payment Plan
If you choose a payment plan, your non-refundable deposit payment of $175 is due immediately, followed by 3 more equal payments of $175.00. The balance due must be received no later than two weeks prior to the start of the training.
Payment Methods
Email Money Transfer
EMT to
You may pay using your PayPal account (contact Silver Bough for details).
You may pay by cheque (contact Silver Bough for mailing address).
Training Cancellation Policy
If you cancel your registration:
15 days or more before the training start date
The balance of your paid training cost is refundable, less the non-refundable $175 deposit.
Less than 15 days before the training start date
All tuition paid is non-refundable.
If cancellation is due to urgent medical or compassionate circumstances (i.e. death of immediate family member, natural disaster or life threatening illness), consideration for a credit next time the course is offered will be given or you may consider transferring your tuition to another course, class, workshop, service, or recurring event option.
Transfer of Tuition Options
If you choose to cancel your Singing Earth Registration, any non-refundable tuition may be transferred to a different Silver Bough course, class, workshop, service, or recurring event offering (such as Shamanic One-on-One Sessions, Journey Practice Circle, or Wednesday Evening Meditations). Your tuition amount may be transferred to one other course, or distributed across several services if you choose, as mutually agreed between yourself and Silver Bough. This transfer of tuition will be offered ONE TIME ONLY. Once agreed upon, the redistribution of the tuition will be fixed and non-refundable.
Singing Earth -The Sacred Dance of Yoga and Shamanism (Part I) Application and Agreement
Please complete this Application and Agreement and submit it to Silver Bough. Once your application has been received, Silver Bough will be in touch regarding payment options and the completion of your registration.